Understanding Business Energy
The principles and applications of Business Energetics
What exactly is the energy of your business?
If you dig into the subject, you are likely to find yourself more confused than when you started.
Everyone experiences the energy of their business differently which leads to huge variety in the way people understand it.
The majority of what is spoken about relates to an energetic entity of a business. It is much easier for us to work with a perceived entity rather than abstract energetics. However, it also presents a lot of potential to be led astray.
There are multiple layers of energy at work in any business. The entity is the outermost layer that is home to many energies. Working with this energy can actually keep you stuck in patterns and hold your business back.
Working with the inner layers of energy brings you closer to the core frequency of your business and deeper into your intuition to understand it.
Working with core frequencies is something that we are naturally wired to do, but to access this part of ourselves we have to let go of a lot of patterning and remember how to do it. It’s a journey without a doubt that has a profound impact on every aspect of business.
It makes us creators in the truest sense of the word.
Every business has 5 layers of energy within it. Each of these layers holds a different piece of the puzzle. When you work with all of them, you will know what brings life into your business and what shuts it down.
It is a new way of designing a business to deliver on its purpose. My work is focused on developing the tools to work with these layers so we can all do what we came here to do and activate businesses that change the world.
All energy is fundamentally consciousness in motion. Business is consciousness.
Starting from the inside out, the layers of business energy are:
This is the energy that you birthed in the instant you decided to create your business. Your business is a distinct stream of energy to you. You are not your business.
The core frequency is the one piece of your business that never changes. However, you are constantly evolving and the world around you in constantly changing, so how you chime with it does change. Your resonance will shift. Simply put, how you relate to the core frequency of your business changes over time.
The change in your experience of the energy over time is what will prompt you to evolve your business. It is very common for entrepreneurs to feel the need for a rebrand because what they are presenting is no longer an accurate representaiton of how they experience the energy. However, a rebrand or any other redesign will not sit well or feel right unless you go back to the core and redefine your relationship to the energy first.
Core frequencies are felt and understood differently by everyone. It is so important to be in tune with your intuitive wisdom to interpret the sensations that are received. Everyone’s intuition speaks in its own way. Once you know what your way is, frequency becomes a new part of your business language.
Business DNA
Every business has 5 core strands of “DNA” which determine the way in which your business evolves.
The five strands encompass the many dimensions of purpose and expression at play in business. They are instrinically bound with your own soul purpose and expression and reflect the unique partnership you develop with your business consciousness.
Working with DNA directly empowers you to see what you are creating at an energetic level and to understand it more deeply. Typically a client introduced to the DNA of their business will see hidden aspects brought to the fore and aspects that have felt disconnected come into the heart of the business.
Business DNA strands can become distorted by the influence of outside energies on the creative expression of the business itself. This has a cascade effect on every area of your business. I have created a process where these energies are removed from the DNA to ensure that the building blocks of business are true to the core frequency.
This process is a fast track to removing outdated thinking and influences that may have been playing havoc with development potential for some time.
The saying if “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a dangerous one in business because it puts you into a reactive mode. Changing resonance to the core frequency means that inputs, systems and thinking can become obsolete quickly. At an energetic level this dramatically reduces your business’s adaptabiity and responsiveness because it is encumbered by energetic structures that don’t reflect the harmonic of energies that are currently at play.
Keeping your business DNA clear of outdated influences brings resiliency.
Energetic Structures
Energetic structures are the beliefs, behaviours, habits, systems and more that are supporting (or blocking) your business.
A typical business has many energetic structures that impact how it is able to respond. Much of this comes from current thinking that is absorbed, software services that determine how systems are set up and coaching that tells you how to implement specific approaches.
An energetic structure that is not attuned to the core frequency or responding to the DNA is never going to create freedom within a business. It becomes a block that holds it back.
While often it is the choice of what to do that causes the problem, sometimes it is not the what but the how that is the issue.
Consciously working on the energetic structures of your business to root out thinking, systems and approaches that have come from external input that do not support your buiness can transform your business.
Energy Body
Your business has an energy body just as you do.
It forms around the frequency, DNA and energetic structures that are created. An energy body is the immediate precursor to form.
Your business’s energy body has the same energy centres as you and these can suffer similar issues.
Consciously working on the energy centres and responding to the needs they have, is a fine tuning exercise that keeps your business healthy.
The energy body is also considerably impacted by your own energy body. If you are experiencing challenges with expression, for example, your business’s throat centre and your own both need support. Conversely, if your throat centre is open but your business’s energetic foundations are out of kilter with the core frequency, you may find every attempt to expand your expression thwarted.
Working on the energy body will help you to respond in the moment to changing dynamics and new opportunities.
Business Entity
The business entity is probably the layer you are most accustomed to working with. It is the sum total of your business energies that come not just from within, but also from your community, coaches, clients, co-workers, family, products, services and more.
A business entity is, by its nature, constantly evolving.
Every new member of your community changes the overall harmonic. Every decision, act of support or material change impacts the overall harmonic of energies.
An entity is fluid.
If you are asking your questions of your business entity, then the answers need to be wholly relevant in the moment. Ask a business entity what your focus should be for five years down the road and you cannot get an answer that will hold true for any longer than the current status quo is maintained.
Ask the same question of the core frequency of business consciousness, and you will get a different answer that will hold true.
Conventional business approaches work on the outer manifestation of a business. Everything is focused on how it is set up and how it works but entirely without reference to why it really exists.
Working in this way deprives you of the full potential of your business. It will keep you stuck in the same patterns.
Going deeper down to the core layers will give you insight and a wellspring of creative innovation to take your business further than you can believe right now.
Originally published at https://www.pollyhearsey.co.uk on October 15, 2022.