Ancient Tools for Modern Business
The pull to innovate is always present.
We are wired to challenge ourselves to find more ingenious solutions and easier options.
The bottom line is that we learn more and more about ourselves every day when we are choosing to develop and grow.
In moving forward, it is also important to learn all we can from our heritage as it is the foundation upon which we stand today.
I find myself repeatedly called back to one of our oldest sources of wisdom to learn new ways to break out of our old patterns in business.
In my work, it has become an ancient tool for modern business.
That tool is the elements.
There are many different traditions relating to the elements, each bringing a new perspective or insight.
At one point these traditions bound science and metaphysics together. As science evolved and the simplicity the concepts no longer matched the classifications that reflected scientific understanding. New systems were created to map our world and the link to the metaphysical aspects were discarded.
In my work with the classical elements of earth, air, fire and water, it is the metaphysical aspects that have proved the most enlightening and inspiring for business development.
The simplicity of structure provides an easy pathway to understanding the core nature of each business. Our deep connection to these four simple aspects of our daily reality speaks clearly to entrepreneurs at every stage of their business journey.
The presence of elemental energies within a business deeply influences the way it is put together and shares its energy through services and interactions. The ability to fine-tune the strategy to the way those energies present gives entrepreneurs in every field the tools they need to innovate and break through the limits of current business approaches.
No two businesses will hold the same combination of elemental energies nor will the energies themselves present in the same way. This brings incredible nuance and insight to the visions, strategies and choices that are available. A simple shift in the way one business task is approached can create dramatic shifts in the overall health of the business. These shifts are accidental in a conventional business dynamic, but integrating the elements into business practices opens a conscious working channel to the insights and understanding that make them happen regularly.
Every aspect of business design, business modelling, product development, marketing and community engagement can benefit from elemental business practices.
For those who have a deep connection to the land, working with the elements in their businesses is completely natural. Nonetheless, there is a lot to learn about the energetic qualities of the elements as they expand their understanding of balance and harmony within life and business.
For those who perhaps feel disconnected from the land, the elements are a route back to connection and feeling the wisdom of the land. The physical experience of the elements is a reconnection to the senses and the senses awaken intuition. Once intuition is activated, the entire realm of metaphysics becomes available to us.
No matter how far we might have come, there is still a great deal to learn from our original stories. We are a long, long way off reaching the deepest of truths available through them. There is so much wisdom within our grasp to create new stories and new realities through which we will move us outside the narrow confines of reality we have so expertly created.
Originally published at on February 27, 2023.